Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber
Professor of Physical Chemistry
Executive Director of the Institute - Head of Department
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Albertstraße 21
79104 Freiburg
Phone.: +49 761 203-6214
Fax: +49 761 203-6222
- Lecture Course Physikalische Chemie III (PC III) [in german]
- Übungen zur Physikalischen Chemie III [in german]
- Lecture Course Physikalische Chemie IV (PC IV): Statistische Thermodynamik [in german]
- Lecture Course Physikalische Chemie V (PC V): Grundlagen der Elektronenspinresonanz [in german]
- Lecture Course Physikalische Chemie V (PC V): Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie [in german]
- Seminar Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie [in german]
Flavins und Flavoproteins: Methods and Protocols. Weber S, Schleicher E (Eds.) Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1146, Humana Press 2014 read more...
5 most relevant Publications:
- Spatzal T, Agsoyoglu M, Zhang L, Andrade SLA, Schleicher E, Weber S, Rees DC, Einsle O (2011) Evidence for interstitial carbon in nitrogenase FeMo cofactor. Science 335:940.
- Boeré RT, Kacprzak S, Keßler M, Knapp C, Ribau R, Riedel S, Roemmele TL, Rühle M, Scherer H, Weber S (2011) Oxidation of closo-[B12C12]2– to the radical anion [B12Cl12]– and to neutral B12Cl12. Angew Chem Int Ed 50:549–552.
Biskup T, Schleicher E, Okafuji A, Link G, Hitomi K, Getzoff ED, Weber S (2009) Direct observation of a photoinduced radical pair in a cryptochrome blue-light photoreceptor. Angew Chem Int Ed 48:404–407.
Richter G, Weber S, Römisch W, Bacher A, Fischer M, Eisenreich W (2005) Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in a C450A mutant of the LOV2 domain of the Avena sativa blue-light receptor phototropin. J Am Chem Soc 127:17245–17252.
Weber S, Kay CWM, Mögling H, Möbius K, Hitomi K, Todo T (2002) Photoactivation of the flavin cofactor in Xenopus laevis (6–4) photolyase: observation of a transient tyrosyl radical by time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:1319–1323.
Scientific Activities, Honors
- Editor of the book "Methods in Molecular Biology" for Humana Press/USA with Dr. Schleicher and the Springer Publishing Company, 2011–2013.
- Vice Dean, Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Earth Sciences, 2009– 2012.
- Honors: Morino-Lectureship of the Morino Foundation Japan; Joint Morino Lecture and International Workshop "Spectroscopy on Photoinduced Functions of Electrons and Spins in Biology and Material Science", at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2011.
- GDCh-District Chairman of the district Freiburg-Südbaden, 2010–2012.
- Numerous reports, reviews, expertise for the "Landeslehrerprüfungsamt", letters of recommendation and scientific consultations since 2008.
- Scholarship: Feodor-Lynen scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, 1995.
Curriculum Vitae
2008–now: |
Full Professor (W 3), Institute of Physical Chemistry, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
2004–2007: |
Assistent Professor (C 2), Faculty of Physics, Free University Berlin |
2003: |
Habilitation in Experimental Physics, Free University Berlin |
2002–2003: |
Scientific Assistent, Faculty of Physics, Free University Berlin |
1997–2002: |
Assistent Professor (C1), Faculty of Physics, Free University Berlin |
1995–1997: |
Postdoc, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago |
1994: |
Dr. rer.nat. in Physical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart "Transiente Elektronenspinresonanz an lichtinduzierten Radikalpaaren der Photosynthese: Nachweis von Nullquantenkohärenzen" |
1989: |
Diploma in Chemistry, University of Stuttgart |